
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

books, books, books.....

As soon as I received my christmas gift in the mail from my Mother in law I knew what I wanted to use some of it for....(thanks Mom!) So I immediately got on the computer. I spent quite a long time going through all the great books that are out there, deciding which books I wanted. The next thing I knew this delightful stack of books arrived at my doorstep. I can't wait to start diving in!!

I got quite the mix of books: A bread book because learning to make bread is something I have been wanting to do for a while now and just haven't fully made the plunge yet. I've been seeing lots of great recommendations out there for this book: The Tassajara bread book, by Edward Espe Brown.
Another book out in blog land that I have had my eye on is A Homemade Life by Molly Wizenburg. She has this blog here. Which I love. There is a recipe on their for peppermint bark that is just begging to be made. Gotta see if I can rummage up some peppermint candies. I think we'll make these later in the winter when we need a little pick me up from cold, dark and dreary days ahead! Lets see what else..... Oooh I also got a sewing book, because well, sewing more is part of my New Years thing this year. So I got the new book by Meg McElwee called Sew Liberated. She also has a blog. There's a lot of great projects in there that I can't wait to try out...I'm going to be one busy lady! The other books were: Roots, Shoots, Buckets and Boots by Sharon Lovejoy it's children's gardening book. Living Simply with Children by Marie Sherlock, and You are your child's first teacher by Rahima Baldwin Dancy.

I am so so happy! I can't wait to start reading and sewing and cooking and baking yummy bread!


  1. Dear Christina,

    I was SO HAPPY to see my book Roots Shoots Buckets & Boots stacked with Edward Espe Brown's Tassajara Bread Book. I am taking a wonderful class from him in February and am VERY excited about it. I love baking bread and think his teachings will open up another world for me.

    Also, I know Rahima Baldwin and gave a keynote address at one of her Waldorf conferences in Boulder, Colorado last year.

    My new book is Toad Cottages & Shooting Stars (January 2010), and although it is supposedly for Grandmothers, I feel it is for ANYONE who loves and lives with children. It is cooking, (even solar cooking), art, music, nature (heavy on nature), and simple gardening in straw bales and containers.

    Look for my posting tonight of a wonderful project to do indoors with your children this winter.

    Keep up your great work and 'til next time.

    Happy 2010,


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island (

  2. Oh my! Thank you for the kind post Sharon, what a surprise to see a comment here from you...Your new book looks wonderful, and I am exctied for spring to try and plant one of the gardens from your book.

    The baking class with Edward Brown sounds amazing!

    I've only begun to read Rahima's book but so far it is speaking straight to my heart.

    Thanks again for stopping by my little world over here, it put an instant smile on my face.

  3. What sweet photos! I am want to learn how to made homemade bread so badly! Any tips?

  4. The Tassajara bread book is what I am using. It has a basic recipe from which all the breads can be made. The instructions are very detailed and easy to understand. So far the bread is turning out beautiful and delicious!!
