
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our summer, a new baby and a book...

Its been months since I wrote in this space..2.5 months to be exact. Too long I suppose, but that seems to be a re-occurring thing. I do apologize.

The summer has been good to us. A garden that has been quite patient with it's slightly negligent gardener, but one that is bursting at the seems with deliciousness.

Trips up North to visit family, trips down south to just relax and be. Walks around the corner for water ice and custard We've been to the pool on the hottest of days, which seems to be everyday this season. We've been to the beach and exhausted ourselves in the glorious sun sand and salty water. We've stayed inside on some days and just did nothing, as the heat outside made it difficult to just stand and breathe, let alone do anything.

There's also been lots of taking care of Mama, from my sweet loves and husband and from friends and family....Because growing a baby in the early days can take a lot out of a Mama, and this new little one seemed to be requiring quite a lot from me. Thankfully these days I am feeling better and less sick and less tired, and in a short 6 months we will be welcoming our Fourth little babe into the world. We are beyond excited and the reaction from our three littles was more than I could have hoped for, squeals of delight and talks of boy or girl and sharing rooms, led to much more in depth discussions by my very curious and wonderous five year, wanting to know how the baby ate and where it will come out, to making sure this Mama ate healthy food, and rested when I needed too, she has taken on the role of midwife in our home keeping tabs on me daily.

So life has been busy and there is no sign of it slowing down, We have had family here for the last month in and out and we are so thanful for the time we have had to spend with them, not to mention a little cleaning and cooking that took place to give me a break.

School season is upon us and plans are being laid out, rhythms adjusted. I am looking forward to the cooling down (hopefully) of the fall feeing almost ready for the shift to Fall.

I am downloading 500 photos from the last two or so months as I write and will hopefully soon post a recap of our summer,

Tomorrow we resume normal summertime fun, chaos and the excellent chore of unpacking the car, and washing and putting away of clothes and restocking the house with food.

As for now I am sitting, resting and reading with my own squeals of delight what arrived while we were gone I am also enjoying the quiet stillness of the house as three very tired ones sleep peacefully after a long drive home today.

All is well, and good...

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