
Monday, April 19, 2010

picnics on our lawn...

The kitchen table is getting less use these days for our evening meal. When the weather starts to warm up the kids begin to choose to eat outside for dinner. We have yet to buy an outdoor table just yet so a blanket on the grass is our substitute. I'm not sure if and when we do buy a table it will replace our blanket dinners though...maybe sometimes. We always sit out front, where our yard is flat and it a bit more accessible. It started last year soon after we moved into our new home. It's new and fun and different, the kids love being outside and spend much of their time outdoors, so it's just seems natural to eat outside too.

On this night we had noodles with homemade sauce and biscuits, a simple meal and not one I cook very often (believe it or not) but one the kids really seemed to enjoy!

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