
Saturday, June 30, 2012

This Week...

This week there were impossible puzzles put together

There were cucumbers picked from the garden from a sweet little neighbor
who happily devoured most of it

there was a sad girl who needed her mama to hold her almost all day long

there was a tired boy who is rarely tired
I took this moment to lay next to him
we watched part if the Karate Kid

A Strawberry Coulis was made 
and then devoured
we ate it for dinner

There were secret pictures taken of a certain tired mama and babe
I really love that my children do this

There was a delivery of tickets
and a change of plans made 
and gratitude for a sister for 
sweetly agreeing to those change in plans
There was a first swing outside
with many more to come
because she loved it

A gang of power rangers arrived at my door one day too

there was a cup of coffee savored in pajamas alone

we managed one picnic outside before the weather turned 
to hot to even walk outside

it was a good week

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post!
    Wow. So happy to meet your blog. I love that photo of the "sad little girl." Brings back memories of my littles when they just needed to be on mama all day. And sometimes they still do!
