
Sunday, June 10, 2012


linking up with Amanda over at The habit of being

Saturday was spent saying goodbye,
watching 6 long but fun,hours of baseball
feeling proud of those boys who played so well for so long
with happy faces and great attitudes.
A dinner of leftover pizza was eaten post game
since this mama was too tired to cook,
I felt thankful for having ordered too much pizza the night before
leftover pizza is one of my sons favorites.
a trip to Ritas after dinner was a bit too late for Miss Eliza
and she spent the next two hours wired from ice cream
unable to settle down to sleep.

This morning I woke early and then went back to bed
feeling that tingle in my throat giving me the first sign of a cold coming on
I spent that hour and a half dreaming so intensely it was like I never slept at all.
This happens a lot, I wish I could turn the dreams off some how...
Today we rest, clean and recoup.
But for Annie, today she gets to dress up and be shuttled to Philly by her mama
to attend The Broadway Production of Beauty and the Beast with her Aunt!
A little love of the theater is growing in her, love that.
A trip to the pool my be in order later in the day as well.

How was your weekend?

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